Becoming a member not only helps support the representation of Scottish culture in Virginia, but also includes the following perks:
General Meetings first Wed of each month (Sept thru June)
Eligibility to vote for Board Members and Officers in our annual elections each February.
Entry to the biggest and best events the SST hosts each year.
Membership options and pricing are as follows.
Individual: $30 per year
Family: $40 per year
Student: $20 per year
Lifetime: $250 one-time
Business: $50 per year
Pipe & Drums Individual: $20
Pipe & Drum Family: $30
There are two ways to purchase a Membership. You can use our online store at the link below, or click on the Application to Mail button for a copy to print and fill out. Then either send it to the address listed on the form, or bring it with you to one of our meetings.